The Rinehart Agency has provided insurance protection to public entities since 1988. We currently provide public entity insurance to more than 250 public entities including Municipalities, Villages, Townships, Fire Departments, Fire Districts, EMS / Ambulance Districts, Soil and Water, Sewer and Water Districts, and Libraries throughout the State of Ohio.
Along with public entity insurance, Rinehart Insurance offers risk management to assist in the identification of potential and/or existing liability and property exposures that exist within a Public Entity’s operations. As such, the following are services conducted by the Risk Management Department:
Risk Management Profile: A Risk management representative will identify existing and/or potential liability and property exposures by collecting information through a questionnaire pertaining to the operations of a Public Entity
Recommendations: Recommendations will be made from the information gathered during the profile to assist in reducing identified areas of liability and property exposures
Technical Assistance: On-site visits to discuss problem areas, specific concerns, and to assist in the development of written policies and procedures for a Public Entity’s operations.
Policy and Procedure Review: The Risk Management Department will review and assist in developing policy and procedure manuals, and offer written opinions from the review..
Law Enforcement and Fire / EMS Committees: The committees consist of department personnel from various public entities to assist in addressing, developing and reviewing policies and procedures and liability concerns related to specific operations.
Resource Material: The Risk Management Department has a large volume of resource materials available for review and assistance, including risk control guidelines, sample manuals, and model policies and procedures for Public Entity operations. In addition, the Risk Management Department has a video library available to members that includes, but is not limited to, videos on safety, law enforcement training, and the essentials of firefighting.
We are eager to serve you with a skilled staff, a wealth of experience, and the ability to achieve superior results. Our success and longevity should be important to you. It reflects not only how effective we are in serving our customers, but that we are also attracting new business.
Property Coverages include:
- Buildings and Contents, Boiler and Machinery
- Automobile Physical Damage
- Electronic Data Processing
- Inland Marine
- Fire and Ambulance Vehicles Replacement Cost
- Glass
- Fidelity and Public Official Bonds
- Earthquake and Flood Coverages*
*offered subject to underwriting review and approval
Liability Coverages include:
- General Liability
- Auto Liability
- Public Officials Errors & Omissions
- Police Professional Liability
- Fire Department Errors and Omissions
- Emergency Medical Service Liability
- Employee Benefits Liability
Contact us today for more information on Public Entity Insurance