PCR Restorations & Lehr Awning

PCR-Lehr Awning Logo

933 W. Longview Ave.
Mansfield, OH 44906
Phone: (419) 747-7633


PCR Restorations is a unique commercial upholstery company that specializes in Mobile On-site restorations and repair. Lehr Awning custom builds residential, commercial and boat awnings to meet your needs and specifications. Put the two companies together and you get a unique company that can fabricate virtually anything for your home or business needs. PCR Restorations & Lehr Awnings services include awnings, upholstery restorations, graphics & embroidery, boating accessories, pet products and other specialty products, just to name a few. Their 16,000 square foot facility is conveniently located in Mansfield, OH, mid-way between Cleveland and Columbus, and they are one of the only companies in the area to offer fabric welding services. The designs at PCR Restorations & Lehr Awning have won awards both domestically and internationally in many different categories. They are proud of their staff’s work and want you to be too!

PCR Restorations - Rinehart Insurance

At PCR Restorations & Lehr Awning – “We Gotcha Covered” SM 

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A short video about PCR Restorations & Lehr Awning