In today’s economy you can count yourself among the lucky ones if you have a full time stable job. However, that’s not always an easy task. Employee stress is a very real and difficult thing. Once you factor in the fear of lay offs, overtime and high production goals; the job you’re luck to have could be the source of a lot of stress. NIOSH reports that 25% of American workers view their jobs as the number one source of stress in their lives.
Employee stress
Employee stress can not only be bad for the employee, it can be bad for your business. Issues include
- More on-the-job accidents – can lead to workers’ compensation claims
- Increased absenteeism – not enough workers to keep up with production/customers
- Lower productivity – can lead to less revenue
- Lower employee morale
- Short Temper
As a business owner what can you do to help your employees with stress?
- Create a company culture that encourages employees to take a healthy approach to managing their stress and provides them with resources to do so.
- Leading by example. How managers and line supervisors react to stressful situations has a big effect on how their employees deal with stress.
- Understand that every employee responds to stress differently and using a tailored approach to respond to each person’s stress-related issues.
- Encouraging a health lifestyle, including regular on-site health assessments, gym discounts and other well-being initiatives.
Early Warning Signs of Job Stress
Education your employees and managers to keep an eye out for the following warning signs:
- Headache
- Sleep disturbances
- Difficulty concentrating
- Short temper
- Upset stomach
- Job dissatisfaction
- Low morale
While it may not be possible to reduce 100% of workplace stress, you can learn to manage it effectively.
Do you need additional employee resources for your business? Contact your agent today for additional newsletters, payroll suffers and employee materials. Learn more about business insurance by clicking here.