A leading insurance professional organization recently recognized Gary Walters, President of Rinehart-Walters-Danner Insurance for dedication and ongoing leadership in the insurance industry. The Society of Certified Insurance Counselors (CIC) honored Gary for ten years of successfully maintaining the Certified Insurance Counselor designation, denoting significant commitment to advanced knowledge and customer service.
Along with Gary, our agency has 4 other professionals holding the CIC designation, 4 professionals holding the CISR (Certified Insurance Service Representatives) and 1 professional working on the CRM (Certified Risk Managers) Program.
But what does this all mean to you, our clients? Well, we not only have the desire to do what’s best for you and your family, but have the education and knowledge to get it done. These programs are nationally recognized as the premier continuing education programs for insurance professionals. In order to receive each designation, a professional must complete five 8-20 hour courses (depending on program) and pass an exam after each course. Not an simple task. Why do it, to be the best we can be and to better serve our community and clients!