In the trucking industry, rollovers happen daily. But they don’t have to. As a business owner you can reduce your insurance claims and improve the safety of your drivers by taking a few steps. Properly educating drivers, ensuring your trucks have proper maintenance and making sure everyone understands how the trucks handle with different load sizes are a great start to. Even with the best information available, there are still a few myths associated with truck rollovers.
Myth #1: Poor driving conditions lead to most rollovers.
- Less than 4% of single vehicle rollovers are caused by roadway and environmental factors.
- Approximately 2/3 of rollovers occur in daylight rather than in the dark.
- 93% of rollovers occur on dry roads.
Myth #2: A majority of rollovers are caused by reckless maneuvers and excessive speeding.
- Avoiding excessive speeds is an important first step to prevent truck rollovers, but there are a host of other factors. Driver fatigues and inattention can also cause accidents.
- Evasive maneuvers are a factor in only a small percentage of rollovers.
Myth #3: Rollovers only happen to inexperienced drivers.
- Most rollovers involve drivers with over 10 years of driving experience.
- Most rollovers occur among driers between the age of 25 and 55.
A large majority of truck rollovers are caused by driver error, most crashes are preventable.
Some tips to keep in mind to prevent truck rollovers.
- Obey speed limits and take it slow around corners.
- Stay alter. Turning up the radio or rolling down the windows are not effective ways to keep you alert. There are regulations in place to prevent fatigue-related accidents.
- Put down your cellphone. It’s both illegal and extremely dangerous to text while driving.
- Ensure your truck is mechanically sound before your trip.
- Understand the design and performance of the type of truck you will be driving. For example, tankers handle differently than reefers or flatbeds.
- Always make sure loads are tied down properly. Shifting loads can easily lead to a rollover.
There are numerous factors that can lead to a rollover. Knowing the risks and how to be safe are a good start to prevent truck rollovers. Deadlines are important, but safety is the number one priority. Do you have a safety program in place? If not, talk to your agent today to see what resources we may have available for you.
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