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A single inch of water from flooding can cause serious damage to your home and personal belongings. Melting snow, heavy rain, and even dam failure can put you risk. While there may be little you can do to prevent a flood, there is something you can do to help yourself. Purchasing a flood insurance policy adds an extra layer of insurance coverage in the event of a flood related loss.

However, not all water losses are considered flood damage. For losses to be covered under a flood insurance policy, the following definition of a flood applies:

A general and temporary condition of partial or complete inundation of two or more acres of normally dry land area or of two or more properties (at least one of which is your property) from: overflow of inland or tidal waters; and unusual and rapid accumulation.

Therefore, below are 3 reasons you need to purchase flood insurance.

1. The number one natural disaster in the United States is flooding

According to the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), flooding is the nation’s most common natural disaster. Twenty percent of flood claims are filed by people living in moderate- or low-risk areas. Flooding not only damages your property and belongings, it damages your financial security. Paying to fix damaged property and replacing belongings can quickly drain your hard earned savings.

2. A standard homeowners policy does not cover damage from flooding

Submitting a flood damage claim under your standard homeowners insurance policy will unfortunately result in a denial. Because flood damage is excluded, you will be left to foot the bill for any expenses incurred.

(Click here to learn more about a standard homeowners insurance policy).

Purchasing a separate flood insurance policy will cover losses caused by flooding. This could include things such as:

  • Structural damage
  • Furnace, water heater and central air-conditioning
  • Flood debris clean up
  • Electrical and plumbing systems

3. Federal Disaster Assistance is limited

Federal disaster assistance is only available if the president formally declares a disaster. Even if you do get disaster assistance, it’s often a loan that will require you to pay it back, with interest. As long as there is not a formally declared disaster, you are left to pay for clean up, fixing and replacing damaged property and belongings.

Stay protected

Flood insurance means you’ll be reimbursed for all of your covered losses. As long as your community participates in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), you’re eligible to purchase flood insurance. In general, a policy does not take effect until 30 days after you purchase the coverage. However, if a lender requires flood insurance, in conjunction to making, increasing, extending or renewing your loan, there is not waiting period.

To learn more about flood insurance visit our page by clicking here. For more information on flood insurance coverage’s and premium costs click the link below or call our office today.

Flood Insurance





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