

National Lightning Safety Awareness Week runs from June 23-29 this year. As its name suggests, this campaign, started in 2001, attempts to raise awareness about the dangers of lightning and ensure people are as safe as possible during storms.

Lightning storms are incredibly dangerous, with the potential to cause serious harm to you or your family. In fact, getting struck by lightning could cause severe burns, brain damage or even cardiac arrest. That’s why it’s crucial to be prepared and respond appropriately if a storm approaches your area. When stormy conditions occur, remember the following guidance.

If you’re at your home during a lightning storm

  • Vacate outdoor areas of your home, including those that may be covered.
  • Make sure all windows and doors are shut.
  • Avoid tasks or activities involving water, such as showering, laundry or washing dishes.
  • Don’t use any electrical equipment that plugs directly into the wall (e.g., a corded phone, computer or television).
  • Do not rest on concrete surfaces, as lightning may travel through metal wires or bars within them.

If you’re outside during a lightning storm:

  • Get as close to the ground as possible without placing your hands or knees on the ground—never lay completely flat on the ground.
  • Avoid seeking shelter underneath trees.
  • Stay away from elevated areas—such as hills, cliffs or mountain ridges.
  • Get as far away from bodies of water or objects that could conduct electricity (e.g., wire fences or power lines) as possible.
  • If you are swimming, boating or fishing, seek shelter on land immediately

If Someone Gets Struck

If someone you know is struck by lightning, contact 911 immediately. If you have the proper medical training, administer CPR to victims who do not have a pulse and treat conscious victims for burns, fractures and other wounds while you wait for help to arrive.

For more additional home safety guidance and homeowners insurance solutions, contact us today.