What You Need To Know To Keep Water Out Of Your Home

keep water out

keep water outRain, Rain, will you ever go away? Ohio seems to be stuck in a rainy season so far this summer. In addition to not going swimming or having outside cookouts and ball games, we have to deal with lots and lots of water. Road closures, washed out ditches and the dreaded wet basement. What can you do to keep water out of your home? 

Did you know? The primary reason your basement and home flood during a rainstorm is due to poor or blocked drainage. To keep water out and from seeping into places it’s not wanted, we have a few precautionary measure to share. 

Flooding Due To Surface Water

To protect your home and it’s belongings from flooding due to surface water, use these simple precautions. 

  • Make sure that the ground area within 10 feet of your home slopes away from your home’s foundation.
  • Extend downspouts at least 10 feet from your home.
  • Direct water flow from downspouts away from your home, being careful not to discharge the water too close to adjacent property.
  • Preventive landscaping can also help reduce the chance of a mudslide or flooding.
  • Clean the gutters and the drainage downspouts attached to your roof at least twice a year.
  • Have your roof carefully inspected at least once a year by a capable person to check the roof thoroughly.
  • If your house or commercial lot is at risk of flooding from a higher neighboring property, consider building a solid wall masonry fence on the water-vulnerable boundaries of your property.
  • Be vigilant for warning signs of an impending water flood problem.

Plan Ahead

As for any emergency or disaster, planning ahead is key. In the event that you end up with water in your home you should be familiar with how to shut off electricity, gas and water at the main switches and valves. Knowing this ahead of time will help you react quickly and minimize potential damage. Also understanding your insurance policy is key. Knowing what is and is not covered ahead of time will help eliminate any stress and unexpected financial burden. Are  you covered if you have sewer back up? If your basement floods? If your property is flooded and enters your house? Contact your agent today to review your policy and get the answers to those questions. 

Click here to read a past post regarding Flood Insurance


Father’s Day Is The Day To Celebrate Dad

Father's Day

Father's DayDad’s get a bad rep of not being sentimental and showing their feelings. However, that doesn’t mean they don’t care. Father’s Day is a day to celebrate dad and show him how much he means to you. He taught you how to ride a bike, built your swing set, and made you feel safe when you were scared. Dad is always there and we often don’t show him how much we appreciate him. Sunday June 17, 2018 is Father’s Day. What a perfect time to celebrate dad! 

How to Celebrate

Every family celebrate’s dad differently. Many families choose to celebrate with cookouts or dinner, outdoor activities, and maybe gifts. Most dad’s simply want to spend time with their loved ones. It’s not about the gifts but about the memories made and love they receive. 

Want to learn more about Father’s Day history? Click here

The History Of Memorial Day And Why We Observe It

Memorial Day

Memorial DayMonday May 27, 2019 is Memorial Day. Memorial Day is an American holiday honoring those who died while serving in the US Military. It was originally known as Decoration day, and started after the Civil War. Memorial Day became a federal holiday in 1971 and has sparked many traditions. 

Everyone has a different tradition for Memorial Day. Parades, visiting cemeteries and family gatherings are a few of the top choices. Memorial Day has become the unofficial kick off to summer. Many families will have BBQs, go on a trip, or even spend some time on the water. Regardless of your choice of observation, make sure to take a moment and remember the meaning of the day. 

Our office will be closed in observation. From our family to yours, have a great and safe Memorial Day. 

7 Ways Conservation Can Save Your Business Money


conservationEmbracing conservation can be advantageous for your business. Not only does it benefit the environment, it also can save your company money, increase employee productivity, enhance a company’s reputation and make it more attractive to environmentally conscious employees and applicants.

Reduce Energy Usage

Here are some tips to make your organization more environmentally friendly:

  • Employees should turn off lights if they plan to leave a room for more than 15 minutes.
  • Purchase Energy Star-rated light fixtures and bulbs, which use two-thirds less energy than normal lighting. Visit www.energystar.gov for more information.
  • Install timers or motion sensors that shut off lights when no one is present.
  • Purchase LED desk lamps that use minimal energy.
  • Arrange your workspace so more employees have access to natural light. This is proven to increase productivity and job satisfaction as well as use less electricity.

Use Computers Efficiently

Computers waste an enormous amount of electricity each year, particularly in the business sector.

  • Employees should turn off their computers and power strips they are plugged into (if applicable) before leaving work each day.
  • Employees should set their computers to “go to sleep” when they are away for a short period of time since sleep mode uses 70 percent less energy than a normal screen. This is not the same as using screensavers and standby settings, which still draw power even when the machine is not in use.
  • Invest in energy-saving computers, monitors and printers when purchasing new materials for the company.
  • Recycle electronic equipment properly when the company has no more need for it. Visit www.epa.gov for more information on recycling electronic waste safely. Or, donate electronics that are less than five years old to a charity such as www.techsoup.org. Tax deductions generally apply to these donations.

Print with Care

On average, an office worker uses 10,000 sheets of printer and copy paper per year.

  • Instruct employees to print on both sides of the page or use the back of old faxes, scrap paper or drafts to make new copies.
  • Print in draft mode versus regular mode and avoid using colored ink whenever possible.
  • Purchase remanufactured toner and ink cartridges, and recycle the old ones.
  • Request 100 percent recycled paper when using a print company to make copies or print materials for your company.
  • Ask that employees reduce font sizes, use narrower fonts, decrease line spacing and decrease margins when feasible, to use less paper when printing.
  • Purchase chlorine-free paper made from a high percentage of recycled materials. Be wary that not all paper labeled “recycled” is truly made from recycled materials. In fact, some paper simply contains the trim waste from the production process which reduces costs for the manufacturer but does not necessary help the environment. Instead, purchase post-consumer recycled (PCR) or post-consumer waste (PCW) paper. This is still high quality and can be used in inkjet and laser printers. Also consider paper made from bamboo, hemp, organic cotton or kenaf as an alternative.

Reduce the Paper Trail

The following strategies can be used to help cut back on paper usage:

  • Request that employees stop receiving unnecessary industry newsletters, magazines and junk mailings. Instead, sign up for emails on industry-related topics and information, or check if various publications have an e-newsletter as an alternative to receiving a print version.
  • Post employee manuals and policies online versus printing out paper copies of these documents. This makes updating policies and procedures easier and more efficient too.
  • Store documents electronically instead of using a filing cabinet, write emails versus sending paper letters and review documents as a PDF versus printing.
  • Make use of a company intranet to cut down on printed materials. Post or distribute an e-newsletter (instead of mailing out a printed company newsletter), host an online bulletin board, and provide materials and communications online rather than in printed form.


Considering the following recycling tactics to assist with conservation efforts:

  • Post employee manuals and policies online versus printing out paper
    Recycle paper from faxes, envelopes and junk mail company-wide.
  • Visit www.epa.gov to learn more about recycling employee electronics such as cellular phones and PDAs.
  • Make recycling bins easily accessible to employees by placing them in high traffic areas and post information (electronically) about what can and should be recycled on a daily basis.
  • Reuse shipping boxes and use shredded paper as packing material.
  • Purchase office furniture and supplies made from recycled materials. Visit www.conservatree.org or www.thegreenoffice.com for more information on how to purchase these products.

Look for office products that do not contain harmful materials. These items are certified by The Forestry Stewardship Council (FSC) and The Rainforest Alliance and are made from wood from sustainable harvested forests.

Eat with the Environment in Mind

Being mindful of the environment when purchasing and eating food can go a long way in helping reduce waste:

  • Ask that employees bring their own reusable dishes, utensils and glassware to work for eating meals, rather than items made of plastic or foam. Also suggest that employees bring food in a reusable lunch sack or container.
  • Purchase organic coffee or tea for employees, and organic and local foods for company parties and events.
  • Provide filtered drinking water devices to deter employees from drinking bottled water.
  • Suggest that when employees place food orders, they do so with others to eliminate added waste from individual orders.
  • Recommend that employees bike or walk when going out to eat for lunch.

Maintain a Healthy Environment

To promote a healthier workplace, consider the strategies outlined below:

  • Use nontoxic cleaning materials, biodegradable soaps, and recycled paper or cloth towels.
  • Buy cleaning materials in bulk and recycle their containers.
  • Suggest that employees bring a plant into work for their desks to absorb indoor pollution.
  • Purchase furniture, carpeting and paints that are free of volatile organic compounds (VOCs).

Mother’s Day Is The Day To Celebrate Mom

Mother's Day

We may not always remember to thank mom’s for everything they do for us. From packing lunches, arranging play dates, taking care of us when we’re sick, and being a shoulder to cry on when we are sad. Mom is always there and we often forget to tell her how much we appreciate her. Sunday is the day to change that. Sunday May 12, 2019 is Mother’s Day, and is the perfect day to celebrate mom and show her how much she is loved! 

How To Celebrate

Every family celebrate Mother’s Day a little differently. For most the celebration will include a cookout or dinner, some flowers, and maybe a gift. For most mom’s, they want to just spend time with their family. It’s not about the gifts, it’s the memories and love they receive that makes their day special. 

Want to learn more about Mother’s Day history? Click here 

The Difference Between An Emergency Room And Urgent Care

DIfference Between Emergency Room and Urgent Care

DIfference Between an Emergency Room and Urgent Care

In the case of a sudden emergency, obtaining quick medical attention is crucial. Choosing the appropriate place of care ensures prompt medical attention and lower costs. Making the wrong choice can result in delayed medical attention, and may cost hundreds, if not thousands of dollars. If you or someone you know suddenly falls ill or becomes injured, how can you determine which facility is most appropriate? Do you know the difference between an emergency room and urgent care? What services does each facility provide? If you don’t know the answers, don’t worry, we can help explain the difference.

Emergency Room

The emergency room is equipped to handle life-threatening injuries and illnesses and other serious medical conditions. An emergency is a condition that may cause loss of life or permanent or severe disability if not treated immediately Patients are seen according to  the seriousness of their conditions in relation to the other patients. Go directly to the nearest emergency room if you experience any of the following:

  • Chest pain
  • Shortness of breath
  • Severe abdominal pain following an injury
  • Uncontrollable bleeding
  • Confusion or loss of consciousness, especially after a head injury
  • Poising or suspected poisoning 
  • Serious burns, cuts or infections
  • Inability to swallow
  • Seizures
  • Paralysis
  • Broken Bones

Urgent Care

Urgent care facilities are not equipped to handle life-threatening injuries, illnesses or medical conditions. These centers are designed to address conditions where delayed treatment could cause serious problems or discomfort. Some examples of conditions that require urgent care are these:

  • Ear infections
  • Sprains or strains
  • Urinary tract infections
  • Vomiting, diarrhea or dehydration
  • High fever or the flu
  • Controlled bleeding or cuts that require stitches
  • Diagnostic services (X-ray, lab tests

Choosing the wrong facility

If you go to the Emergency Room with a relatively minor injury or illness, you will most likely have to wait to be seen. Depending on the severity of the other patients’ conditions, you may have to wait more than an hour to be seen. Most often you could have been seen more quickly at an urgent care facility. And you will also end up with a higher bill by visiting an Emergency Room. Most insurance plans offer a discounted co-pay if you go to an urgent care vs going to the emergency room. For example a plan may have a $250 Emergency Room co-pay vs a $75 Urgent Care co-pay. If your plan does not have a co-pay and your visit is subject to your deductible and co-insurance you will still most likely have a lower charge from an Urgent Care facility vs an Emergency Room.

Know the difference between an Emergency Room and Urgent Care

Knowing the difference between an Emergency Room and Urgent Care will help you determine the best facility for you or a loved ones medical emergency, as well as saving you time and money if it is determined that care can be received at an Urgent Care. Understanding your health insurance plan is also important. Co-pays, deductibles and coinsurance are all very important parts of your plan. 

Click here to learn more about health insurance benefits.

Please share if you found this information helpful. 

Distracted Driving And The Risks You Need To Know

distracted driving

distracted drivingDid you know a recent study from the University of Minnesota found that talking on a cell phone while driving impairs one’s ability even more than driving while intoxicated? Talking on a cell phone and other driver distractions pose a major hazard to everyone on the road.  

Preventing Distracted Driving

When driving, make sure to use the following precautions:

  • Do not talk on your cell phone or use the text messaging feature. 
  • If you absolutely must conduct a conversation, use a hands-free device and speed dial. 
  • Never touch up your makeup or hair in the rear view mirror. 
  • Limit your conversations with passengers and ask them to keep their voices down so you can concentrate. 
  • Do not smoke while you are driving, as you will probably pay more attention to not burning yourself or putting out the cigarette than driving safely. 
  • Only adjust the radio or CD Player when you are completely stopped. 
  • Never allow animals to sit on your lap while driving. 
  • Do not eat or drink while driving. 
  • Avoid reading maps or directions. Instead, pull into a parking lot to get our bearings and determine where you need to go next to reach your final destination. 
  • Do not take notes or search for phone numbers. 
  • Never use a cell phone (even with a hands-free device) in bad weather, work zones or heavy traffic. 

We can help with all of your auto insurance needs, however, it’s up to you to drive safe. Distracted driving can lead to dangerous, and even fatal, consequences. Be a responsible motorist and make paying attention to the road your number one priority when you’re behind the wheel. 

Click here to learn more about auto insurance. 


What You Need To Know About Tornado Safety

tornado safety

tornado safety

If you live around here you have seen the recent aftermath of the tornado that hit Shelby Sunday night. Our thoughts and prayers go out to all those affected! Hopefully we will not experience another storm like this anytime soon, however it never hurts to be prepared. Do you know the steps to take in the event of a tornado? Does your family have a plan? Do you know the signs? Keep reading, we can help. 

Tornado Safety Precautions

When it comes to tornado’s it is crucial to plan ahead. Peak season is between March and May and deadly storms can pop in at any time. It is important for you and your family to know what to do before and during a tornado. 

Before A Tornado Strikes

  • Create a family plan. Include where you will seek shelter and where you will meet after the disaster in the event you get separated. Practice your tornado safety plan at least once per year. 
  • Gather items that can protect you such as mattresses, sleeping bags and thick blankets and place them near your shelter area. 
  • When the National Weather Service issues a tornado watch, go to your shelter area and check to see that everything you need for protection is there. 
  • Gather bottled water, non-perishable food items, flashlights and a batter-operated radio. 
  • Keep an ear to the radio or television and listen for storm status updates, and stay alert for warnings. 

Signs Of A Tornado

In addition to listening to weather reports, the following signs may indicate a tornado is near:

  • Strong, persistent rotations at a cloud’s base
  • Whirling dust or debris
  • Hail or heavy rain, followed by a dead calm or intense wind shift
  • Loud rumbles of noise that do not fade away in seconds like thunder

During A Tornado

  • Go to the basement or lowest level of your home. Get under a sturdy structure, such as a table, and then cover yourself with protective materials. If your home does not have a basement, go to a small, central space such as a bathroom, closet, under a stairwell or a hallway with no windows. Then, crouch down to the floor, face down and cover your head with your hands.
  • If you live in a mobile home, leave your house and seek other shelter. If there is nowhere else to go, lie flat on the ground and cover your head with your hands. 

We hope you will never need these tips, but having a tornado safety plan can ensure your family’s safety. 

How to Handle a Surprise Medical Bill

medical bill

medical billIf you’ve ever received a surprise medical bill, you’re not alone. According to a survey conducted by NORC at the University of Chicago, over half of American adults have been surprised by a bill that they had assumed would be covered by their medical insurance. Moreover, only 1 in 5 of these surprise bills were the result of a patient actively seeking out-of-network care.

The situation in which you would receive a surprise medical bill is commonly referred to as balance billing. This article will explain what balance billing is, how to handle a surprise medical bill and tips to help you avoid receiving one in the future.

What is surprise medical billing?

When you seek medical care, you often choose where you go to obtain care based on in-network providers. Choosing in-network care is typically the most affordable option.

Unfortunately, even if you choose an in-network provider or care facility, you may be hit with an unexpected costly bill. This is known as a surprise medical bill or balance bill. There are typically two situations in which surprise medical billing occurs:

  1. Medical services are performed at an in-network facility by an out-of-network provider (situation includes both emergency and non-emergency services)
  2. Emergency medical services are performed by an out-of-network provider

In either of these cases, while there was little patient control over provider selection, the patient will be responsible for the percentage of the bill that insurance doesn’t cover. Essentially, you’re billed the balance that remains on the bill. In the majority of cases, patients were unaware of the out-of-network provider until they received the surprise medical bill.

How common is surprise medical billing?

According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, out-of-network charges resulted in a surprise medical bill in 24 percent of emergency room services provided at an in-network facility. The same study revealed that 18 percent of inpatient admissions resulted in such charges as did 15 percent of admissions in an in-network facility.

Medical services that can often result in balance billing include:

  • Services performed by anesthesiologists, pathologists, neonatologists, intensivists, hospitalists, radiologists and ER doctors
  • Ambulance services, including air ambulances
  • Post-procedure medical equipment (e.g., crutches and wheelchairs)
  • Services performed by a provider not chosen by the patient (lab test analysis)

As previously discussed, the majority of patients didn’t know that the provider of their services weren’t in-network. In fact, 7 out of 10 individuals with costly surprise medical bills had no idea until they received the bill.

Last year, the concept of surprise medical billing made the news when a Texas man suffered a severe “widow-maker” heart attack. While he made a recovery, he was hit with a startling surprise balance bill of nearly $109,000. The man’s emergency care and hospital stay totaled up to $164,941 and his insurance covered $55,840. The hospital where the man was treated was out of his insurance network, which resulted in the extraordinarily expensive surprise balance bill.

The man and his insurance company fought the bill and tried to negotiate it down, and ultimately a deal was made after the story made national headlines. This man’s story is an example of what many Americans experience. Especially when they need emergency care and have little to no choice in where they obtain their care or the services they need in order to save their life. 

Are there any laws in place to protect patients from balance billing?

While not always illegal, balance billing can be incredibly frustrating and financially stressing for patients. Federal and local governments have taken strides to address the problem of surprise medical billing, but the issue still persists.

Handling a Surprise Medical Bill

If you’ve received a surprise medical bill, you still have options. Here are some things that you can do to try to handle your surprise medical bill:

  • Carefully review your medical bill and your insurance’s explanation of benefits (EOB). Your EOB will explain what medical treatments or services your insurer paid for and the amount you still owe. Make sure to ask your health care provider for an itemized bill to ensure that everything you’re being billed for is a medical service that you received. With over 70,000 diagnosis and 71,000 procedure codes that providers and billing departments have to sift through when composing your initial bill, mistakes can unfortunately happen. Carefully reviewing your itemized bill can help you make sure you don’t pay for things you didn’t receive. You can obtain this itemized bill by calling the provider’s billing department and, if necessary, asking to speak to the supervisor.
  • If you’re questioning what’s on your itemized bill, trust your gut. Run the current procedural terminology (CPT) codes from your bill in the CPT/Medicare Payment tool on the American Medical Association’s website. Common CPT code errors include billing for a private inpatient room instead of an outpatient room. Double-charging for services under a bundled CPT code and again under the separate CPT code. And operating room overcharges. If you notice any errors, contact the provider’s billing office and ask to speak to the supervisor.
  • You can also reference the facility’s pre-insurance procedure and service pricing to see if there are any discrepancies between what is on your bill and what the hospital would charge. By law, every facility must post this chargemaster online. It’s important to note that the chargemaster data doesn’t take any insurance discounts or network cost agreements into account. However, you can still get some insight into what your base charges may be.
  • If you’ve gone through your bill and find that you still owe unexpected charges, it’s time to negotiate. Call your provider’s billing department, ask to speak to a supervisor and try to work out a deal. You may need to schedule an in-person meeting or call more than once. A Consumer Reports survey revealed that 57 percent of those who negotiated payment of their medical bills were successful in lowering their amount owed. While you shouldn’t expect to make your bill disappear, you should hope to find a happy medium. For example, you can ask the billing department supervisor if they would accept what your insurance is willing to pay. This way, the provider is still receiving payment for the services, but you’re not paying a large amount out-of-pocket. If you’re not comfortable negotiating with a billing department, or if you’re having a hard time striking a deal, you may want to consider hiring a medical billing advocate to do so on your behalf.
  • Ask to work out a payment plan if you’re not able to pay your balance owed out-of-pocket. Ask the billing department if you can set up affordable monthly payments to pay off your unexpected bill amount. Many billing departments will work with you. But the only way to find out is to ask if they’ll offer that option to you.

Avoiding Surprise Medical Bills

While you can’t always avoid receiving a surprise medical bill, being a wise health care consumer whenever possible can help lessen the possibility that you will receive one. Of course, in an emergency and life-threatening situation, you should seek out the nearest care center.

For planned medical services, you should do your due diligence and find out what is covered before you obtain those services. Never assume that just because you’re receiving care at an in-network facility that your health care provider will be an in-network provider, too. The same can be said about where you’re receiving treatment. Your provider could be an in-network provider but the facility in which you’re receiving care could be an out-of-network facility. This could result in facility charges. 

Asking questions about the care you need to receive can be intimidating. But doing so can help you avoid surprise medical bills. Being an informed consumer can help you make the most informed health decisions and protect your wallet.

If you need help with understanding your health insurance benefits or even assistance with reviewing a claim, we can help. 

Click here to learn about health insurance.

Click here to contact us.


Visit Us At The 14th Annual Business Expo This Thursday

Business Expo

Business ExpoThis weekend marks the 14 Annual Richland Area Chamber of Commerce Business Expo. Our agency, along with 100 other vendors, will be set up at the Richland County Fairgrounds. The Business Expo is a great way to meet local businesses and learn about what they have to offer. And each year has a theme. This year’s theme will be 70’s Disco. Our agents will be at the booth and we will have our best Disco Theme on display. 

Admission and parking is free and is open to the public. The Expo will also be having a food drive. So bring a canned good to be entered in the door prize drawing! Make sure to stop by our booth as we will be having a drawing of our own! To learn more see the flyer below or go to Richland Area Chamber of Commerce Business Expo

Business Expo